About Library


Library as a Learning Resource
The library has an advisory committee to look after the betterment of the library. The following is the composition of the committee.









Senior faculty





Student representative

Reading room secretary (commerce)


Student representative

Reading room secretary (Arts)

The committee meets at the beginning of the each semester and also as and when required to take following initiatives:

The initiatives taken to render the library student/user friendly are as follows:


Showing Details of Library Infrastructure:


In Sq.mts

Total area of the library (Sq-Mtr)


Ground floor of the library


First floor of the library



Total seating capacity-200 (including staff and students)
Working hours of the library:

The library ensures the following strategies in the purchase of learning resources of the library. The advisory committee of the library prepares the annual budget for purchase of books, E-journals and other reading materials. The requisition from department is procured for initiation of purchase.
The quotations from local book vendors are procured and comparative statement of discount rate is prepared. The book seller who has quoted highest discount rate will be given for the supply of books; however e-journals and print journals are subscribed directly from the publishers.
The college library is computerized and this provides maximum service to the process of teaching and learning.

Online Public Access Catalogue helps to trace the books and provides current accessibility of books authors wise, subject wise, title wise, it is used regularly by staff, students and researchers.

Electronic Resources Management package for e-journals
The college is a member of INFLIBNET and there-by has access to e-books, e-journals and online journals. The library also has access to N-List.

Library Website:
The library information is available on the college website:       http://sjmvsdegreewomenscollegehubli.com/abt_lib.php as there is no separate website for library.

In-house Remote Access to e-Publications

  • We have in house / remote access to e-publications through INFLIBNET, N-List is available, many staff availed in-house facility extended by Central Government.

Library Automation

  • The library is automated with barcode system and for library automation we use e-lib software.
          • Total number of computers for public access: 14
          • Total numbers of printers for public access: 4
          • Internet band width/speed: 50 MBPS

Our college library is the center of learning, it provides a conducive environment for learning process. The following are the details of the library.
A orientation training programmers’ is conducted on digital library, OPAC system, Inflibnet and online journals every year.

  • Details of “weeding out” of books and other materials

The advisory committee of the library takes the decision for weeding out of books and other materials. Old books are either donated to sister Institutions or weeded out through a particular procedure. Quotation from different agencies is procured and comparative statement is prepared. The agency that has quoted the highest rate will be given preference. News papers, periodicals and magazines are weeded out biannually.
The Institution ensures that special services are provided in the library for the use of students as well as faculties. There are good number of reference books in the library which are used by staff, student and researchers through OPAC system.
The college library supports faculty and students in the following ways:

Our Library has 59,072 books with different subject with 23,598 volumes and there are 13 news papers and 30 magazines which is available in Kannada, English and Hindi.

A reprography facility is available in the library. Facility includes configuration of A5 to A3, Xerox, black and white and color printer, scanner, and the speed of copier is 90 pages per minute with net work ready.

ILL (Inter Loan Service)
Inter loan service is available for sister concern of the Institution.

Information Deployment and Notification
Information regarding library is put on the college notice board, urgent notices are circulated to classes. Author wise, Title wise, reading list/Bibliography compilation is available in the library. In house/remote access to e-resources and online journals are available through INFLIBNET consortia.

User Orientation awareness
We provide orientation for first year degree students in the beginning of the academic year. The students are acquainted with rules, regulations and facilities of the library through orientation. They are also familiarized with the library staff in the orientation programme. Awareness is created through display of new titles in the library. Library layout map, quotation board, notice boards provide a clear and conductive atmosphere for meaningful usage of library facilities for staff and students. Step by step instructions for accessing digital library are displayed. Training for the use of OPAC is given, and book exhibition conducted on different occasions help to familiarize the staff and students with diverse kinds of books in the library.

Assistance in Searching Databases
Assistance in searching database manually and also with OPAC system is available in the library.

Inflibnet/IUC Facilities
The digital library can be accessed for more than 83,000 titles and more than 6,175 e-journals. The college provides online access to online journals, database & e-books. The library staff provides guidance and right directions to access suitable database and web pages of Inflibnet.
The library staff provides all the necessary support to the students and teachers of the college